Forum Replies Created
Attila Sik
Participantyeah i hope i made sense ! i just spent some more time trying to get a simple attribute on a step to shift track position – it seems to do it once then fixes the track at that position . . .i am guessing this is pilot error or a new adjustment to how it use to work . . .i did loads of this trick of ‘position ‘ attributes on steps on a track as it played but for the life of me i cant get it to work now.
Attila Sik
Participanti found the drift was there in 1.42 but i have found very little gear that doesnt drift midi clock wise…..some more than others , the main issue for me is that i record into cubase sx alot and on ling jams the midi data is well out of sync to the cubase clock and needs quantize to get everything back in – and sometimes when the octopus is grooving this kills the octopuses swing.Some drift is expected maybe but less is better
Attila Sik
Participanti just have to say thanks again guys . . .everytime you do a new o/s it feels like i just bought a new machine again with the same buzz of anticipation.Step phrases is a wonderfull idea as are all the other ideas and new features !
Attila Sik
Participantgseher wrote:
yes please !!!!!!!!!!Quote:Actually this behaviour could be enabled in the Octopus code in the sense that skipped steps would be locked to their respective positions. Then, changing the POS of a track would produce the result you describe. I wonder how everyone feels about this.
GabrielAttila Sik
Participantme to !….i keep wishing the octopus had this so we can do some really quirky stuff ! superb ideas
So that tracks can run at variable speed by themselves?
I haven’t thought about the details, but I’m sure I’d find a use for it…
Maybe in conjunction with the effector… one track decides at what speed the other tracks will run.. uuhh nice…[/quote]Attila Sik
Participantduncandisorderly wrote:
Quote:oohh…. I get it…. so they’d still be synchronised but at step-level rather than bar level?yeah that kind of thing duncan – maybe the option to choose whether the track fired remains synced to clock and starts on the next step but also the option to have no sync at all to clock and use the octopus to ‘ play ‘ sequences like some mad keyboard wizard all out of sync . . . for ambient music out of sync is wonderfull – like out of sync tape loops . i use the octopus loads to trigger cycles of slow attack sounds and stuff like this with tracks cycling in usual ways that never seem to repeat.
. . .. . . . . . . . i am drifting but it would be great to have both the ability to ‘ fire ‘ tracks in gridtrack mode both in sync and out of sync.
The term ‘fire’ a track i kind of see as meaning that rather than mute a track on or off its ‘played ‘ via the player pressing / holding and letting go of a track button in trackgrid mode<Post edited by: admin, at: 2008/02/01 07:10
Attila Sik
Participantsounds good gabriel , that would be the best view . . .
the idea was simple – forget the idea of the octopus as a sequencer and see it in this mode as a clock synced bank of patterns , then play these by hand in grid track mode . . .pressing a button fires out the tracks midi data until you let go , you could load up or create some crazy sequences and ‘ play ‘ them . .. creating very novel results . . .gseher wrote:
Quote:Grid track mode seems to be the natural place to build this.
Will look into it.
Gabriel<br /><br />Post edited by: gseher, at: 2008/01/04 19:31Attila Sik
Participantthat sounds pretty cool , see what your saying.I’m constantly in love with these features myself . .
Attila Sik
Participantive mentioned it a few times . . .the ability to Start and stop individual tracks via midi note on and off messages and also transpose the selected tracks at the same time . . . sounds simple but allows the user to create polymorphic ideas to then record into another sequencer or even back into another octopus track . . . i know the Octopus can change pages via program changes ? but it cant start and stop tracks via midi note on and off messages ? or can it ? been looking
and hoping
Attila Sik
Participantit would maybe require someway of desengaging the master play/clock from the tracks and they play or start and stop via there own track buttons ( in grid/track mode) rather than via the main ‘ play ‘ button……
Attila Sik
Participantnice function and i hadnt realised it was there !How about adding the abiity to start and stop sequences via keyboard note on / off messages ( zyklus like )