Step copy/paste in page mode

OS_CE Forums Octopus New features Step copy/paste in page mode

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    There is one basic function that I keep reaching for. Although I now it is not there, my intuition keeps expecting that it is:
    Step copy/paste in page mode. I haven´t really analyzed what it may collide with in the current OS, but I would like to hear if anybody else feels the way I do about it. If there is resonance among us, I am sure we can figure out some clever way of implementing it (given that we can get The Master along with usB) ).

    I personally would easily trade some of the more esoteric functions with this. For me it would be a huge boost for the imidiateness and friendliness of the Octopus. What do you think?

    Adam Wilson

    Let’s not talk about trading esoteric functions right away, maybe the UI space is already there. I mean, I *like* that stuff! ;)

    So what happens when you grab a step in Page mode? (Still don’t have the Real Thing guys…) Wouldn’t it simply be possible to have the CPY and PST mutator functions enabled then? I would almost think this functionality is already there!

    Post edited by: robert, at: 2008/05/07 20:55

    Let’s not talk about trading esoteric functions right away, maybe the UI space is already there. I mean, I *like* that stuff!

    Well, most of the time somebody says: "I would give my right arm for…" they don´t really mean it, do they?:P

    Anyway I will try to be a little constructive about it tomorrow.
    But thinking about it now (not at the Octo) it seems simple enough. What is interesting is what happens the moment you touch a step button. In the normal page state, step buttons toggle the step state. But we are already accustomed to the behavior when you grab a step and tweaking an attribute knob (PIT, LEN whatever): The step is in this case NOT toggled because you imediately performed an action.
    So perhaps copy/paste could work in exactly the same way: You grab a step, and if CPY or PST is pressed very shortly after, there is no toggling but instead the chosen command.

    In EDIT state you should have the same, but following the model of this state, the step you grab will be played in realtime as you grab it for copying it. What you additionally could do here is also make the note you paste play in realtime.

    Adam Wilson

    Ok, one other issue is that CPY and PST also operate mute for track 1 and O. But I just think that the mute light should have priority: We will not see the orange CPY/PST lights if we have track 1/O muted. Apart from that I dont think there is any problem: If only CPY is pressed, track 1 mute is toggled, and if a step button is held while pressing CPY it will copy the step.


    Guys, please let’s take one step back, and talk about what it is you want to do / achieve. As of now you can CPY/PST individual steps, once you mark them selected using the SEL button. But this is likely not what you are looking for. Lars explained a bit, but I am not sure still..

    As of now you can CPY/PST individual steps, once you mark them selected using the SEL button. But this is likely not what you are looking for.

    Well it might be what I am looking for, but I dont really know what you are talking about now, haha.

    Are you saying that in page mode you can copy/paste individual steps? I did not know that. I just went through the Page chapter of the manual (also searched in other chapters) but I can´t find any info. Please tell…

    Anyway to point out what I am looking for:
    You know, in Grid mode you grab a page, press CPY, grab a destination, press PST, and you just copied a page.
    I am looking for exactly the same in Page mode. The same intuitive imidiateness to step copying.
    As it is, I have gone into Step mode every time I wanted to copy a step, but it sounds like there is something I may have overlooked?

    Adam Wilson

    Lol, looks like the feature is there already!


    The way it works in page is not as fast as grid, but still.. Hold SEL and press the step you want to copy (it has to be toggled on). Press CPY.
    Select the destination step in the same manner and press PST. This should move your step across.


    Ok, now I see why I thought this was not working at all: Typicly I copy a step into an empty space, and that does NOT work. But yes, In the way you describe, you can copy one step to an already active step, but isn´t that a bit amputated?

    And further: Now that I found out how it is intended to work, I thought: Ok, an advantage of using the SEL button here could be that you easily can select several steps across tracks, and then copy them, but no, it is only possible to copy one step at a time.

    So my thought is:
    Either fix the current behavior so you can paste into non-active steps AND add multistep copy. Or: Make step copy work without the use of SEL (and forget multistep copy).


    Ok, now I see why I thought this was not working at all: Typicly I copy a step into an empty space, and that does NOT work. But yes, In the way you describe, you can copy one step to an already active step, but isn´t that a bit amputated?

    And further: Now that I found out how it is intended to work, I thought: Ok, an advantage of using the SEL button here could be that you easily can select several steps across tracks, and then copy them, but no, it is only possible to copy one step at a time.

    So my thought is:
    Either fix the current behavior so you can paste into non-active steps AND add multistep copy. Or: Make step copy work without the use of SEL (and forget multistep copy).

    matt avent

    Hey guys and bosses, I have to agree with LDT here that the fastest and most intuitive way of copying steps would be to press and hold a step key in page mode and tap CPY to copy, and press and hold any others and tap PST to paste.

    This would drastically speed up entering patterns from my point of view. The multicopy version could be left in place couldn’t it?

    Incidentally, for multicopy, is it possible to select up to seven steps and copy them down to a single step, preserving their pitches but setting all other parameters to that of the base note?

    I know there’s another feature for compressing tracks down to one but this one might be a bit more flexible?



    Gabriel Seher

    OK – the step copy / paste is now in.
    I like the multi-compress into one step idea as well, but it will have to wait a little..

    matt avent

    good work!

    matt hillier

    is this in 1.62 ? nice !!!!!

    mOBiTh wrote:

    good work!
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