Clustering is awesome and the possibilities are pretty endless but I’ve been left wanting a couple of things:
Non-looping clusters.
ie the cluster of tracks plays from whichever page you trigger it from but when it reaches the right most page of the cluster it stops.
I reckon this would be great from a performance point of view as i find my clusters regularly start a new loop when i don’t want them to cos I miss-time the page mute…
I wonder whether the row selector buttons on the left could have a third mode in grid view signifying clusters are on but they don’t loop?
More space!
Instead of having a blank page mark the end of a cluster why not have a cluster stop/loop page (perhaps by holding down the page button and (double?) clicking stop or something?).
It could then flash in grid mode (or something) to show it’s a stop/loop point depending on the cluster mode.
et voila – no more wasted pages!
Nested Loops!!
and if we wanted to be really clever we could have these stop/loop points have a loop number (like the machinedrum sequencer) so the sequencer loops back to the start of the cluster (or to a user defined point if it’s not too much a of a headfuck) from that page a defined number of times before eventually passing through it.
This would enable much longer and more complex arrangements than the current 16 pages allows.
Just a thought, time for beer 