Barry J. Anderson

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  • in reply to: multiple h/w sequencers & timing #2980
    Barry J. Anderson

    Same here when slaved to Ableton Live. Early notes.

    in reply to: multiple h/w sequencers & timing #2972
    Barry J. Anderson

    I installed this version the other day. While i haven’t tested to see if the sync is better, I can tell you it installed without problem and the Octopus seems to be running fine. I used my macbook pro to install it with xterm.

    in reply to: Working on Octopus reference manual. Interested? #2793
    Barry J. Anderson

    Thanks for posting this! It is something that I think has been needed for quite some time. It will be a great help.

    in reply to: Wait Note & Track Skip #2741
    Barry J. Anderson

    I too would really like the Wait Note to Start option. It is a bit aggravating to have to wait until the sequence cycles again to start recording…

    in reply to: Octopus dead after upgrade attempt #2616
    Barry J. Anderson

    In my case, after the initial attempt at upgrading to 1.62 via sysex, my machine was totally nonreponsive. On powerup, there were no lights at all. It appeared to be totally dead. However, by following the instructional pdf for the usb update, I was able to see a response from the Octopus in the terminal software. So, your Octopus may look nonresponsive, but you should be able to get it going by performing the usb update. The update is easy if you follow the instructions exactly.

    I was not able to update with my mac, but the update works great with a windows machine, so you should be fine.

    Post edited by: Oxix52, at: 2009/09/13 19:58

    in reply to: Octopus dead after upgrade attempt #2538
    Barry J. Anderson

    I followed the instructions exactly but was not able to get it to work on my mac. I have a previous generation Macbook Pro 2.6 with 4gigs of RAM running OSX 10.5.7. I used the same terminal software mentioned in the instructions.

    Doing the update on windows is not really different, you just have to get the right driver.

    in reply to: Octopus dead after upgrade attempt #2523
    Barry J. Anderson

    Yes. I followed it exactly as specified. I used a machine with windows vista 64. I downloaded and installed the FTDI driver as instructed and then installed Hyperterm. Then, following the instructions, I downloaded the OS and wrote to flash. It did take a couple of seconds before I saw the download proceed. I mean, I sent the file, but got no response for a couple of seconds. Once it was finished, Hyperterm reported that the download was stopped by the connected device. I hit OK and then rebooted the Octopus as instructed in the pdf.

    I had not written anything to the memory to lose. I have been just saving sysex files to my computer for my sequences. I also tend to start things from scratch and then leave the Octopus powered up for a long time.


    in reply to: Octopus dead after upgrade attempt #2521
    Barry J. Anderson

    Finally fixed my Octopus! I had to use a windows machine to get the transfer to work. I downloaded the 1.62 OS without problems using the USB connection. Now my Octopus is living again!:laugh:

    Thank you very much.


    in reply to: Octopus dead after upgrade attempt #2515
    Barry J. Anderson

    Thank you Gabriel. I probably need help loading the OS via USB. I am using zTerm. I have both the OCT_OS_v16200.elf and the OCT_OS_v160.elf files. I am following the instructions on the "OS Udate via USB" pdf. I am able to get communication with the Octopus, but when I try to send the new OS file to the Octopus, I get this message:

    ### Send (Y) OCT_OS_v16200.elf: Cancelled
    Unrecognized image type: 0x434f1100
    xyzModem – CRC mode, 1(SOH)/1(STX)/0(CAN) packets, 7 retries

    I must be doing something wrong.

    I don’t know if it helps, but this is the flash contents list when I issue a "fis list" command:

    fis list
    Name FLASH addr Mem addr Length Entry point
    RedBoot 0x01800000 0x01800000 0x00020000 0x00000000
    OCT_OS.elf 0x01820000 0x00010000 0x00070000 0x00010040
    FIS directory 0x019F0000 0x019F0000 0x0000F800 0x00000000
    RedBoot config 0x019FF800 0x019FF800 0x00000800 0x00000000

    Thank you,


    Post edited by: Oxix52, at: 2009/08/06 19:55

    in reply to: Octopus dead after upgrade attempt #2511
    Barry J. Anderson

    My Octopus had version 1.60.32 before I tried the update.

    Is there any way to reset my Octopus? Right now, it is just a cool looking paper weight. :unsure:


    Post edited by: Oxix52, at: 2009/08/06 15:23

    in reply to: Page tempo multiplier? #2425
    Barry J. Anderson

    I haven’t tried the public beta. I think I will wait for the official 1.62 release. Hypersteps sound like what I was looking for. Looking forward to it. Thanks for the info.

    in reply to: Page tempo multiplier? #2376
    Barry J. Anderson

    So, I guess this is something that is not currently implemented? Well, I hope it will work its way into a future update.

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