Saving the machine

OS_CE Forums Octopus General Saving the machine

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  • #1107
    Angus Byrne

    Hi all

    A quick request: I assumed that switching the Octopus off at any stage would result in the current machine state being restored by default when nerxt switching on – without the Grid/Program saving operation. However I notice now that this isn’t happening.

    Was I wrong in my assumption or do I have a problem?


    Dieter Herten

    If you switch off the Octopus without saving before (Grid-Prog) the actual programming or changing are lost. The Octopus stores always the whole machine state.

    Angus Byrne

    Thanks for this.

    I now do the Grid/Program routine as a matter of course.

    As I understand it then, doing this gives a saved ‘snapshot’ (state A) of the machine state.

    If further changes are then made, resulting in state B, does the Octopus remain in state B when switched off without saving – or will it always come back with the saved state (A) when switched on again?

    Sorry to be so dim about this.

    Post edited by: Benny Sugar, at: 2010/10/13 12:57

    Post edited by: Benny Sugar, at: 2010/10/13 12:58

    Post edited by: Benny Sugar, at: 2010/10/13 12:58

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