It seems to me that the main use of align (ALN) is when you play around with skipping steps, and you want all cursors aligned.
However, when I play around with tempo multipliers, I often find I need another align than the one we have. An align that would have the same effect as stopping and starting again.
If I have a page of drum tracks with one track playing half speed, I will normally want it so its cursor hits 1 in every other measure. As it is now, this can be acheived by pressing ALN exactly on 1, or by stopping and starting. The latter is not so nice, and the former can be difficult and if the material is just a bit complicated, you will be thinking "did I hit the beat right?".
So my suggestion is: A double-click on ALN will make all tracks start on 1, and this will happen the next time the global clock hits 1.