My new-feature todo list. Suggestions?

OS_CE Forums Octopus New features My new-feature todo list. Suggestions?

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    Adam Wilson

    Okay all, I’m all set up for sofware development on the Octo OS. If you like, you can make suggestions for me to work on. Don’t expect miracles right away, so go easy on me. And since I’m doing this in my own time, I get to pick the order of projects. B)

    At the moment I still have no idea how the software is set up, but that will change soon. What I *can* say right now that the sources look very nice and tidy, with good comments. Bravo Gabriel!

    A selection from my personal whish list is:

    [li]Record mode auto-rechannel of MIDI input if only a single track is in record mode. I need this fast, if it isn’t in already. Good one to get started.
    [li]Change timing of strum mode for phrases. The strum timing is perfect for strums, but not good for rhythm phrases (e.g. a 32th trigger pattern). I’m looking for a way to support both modes, and also for a way to add more phrases.[/li]
    [li]Support the monome serial protocol so that we can use the grid for the monome apps readily available on the net.[/li]

    When I’m ready with a feature I’ll send Gabriel a patch file that he can study and commit to the main source tree. In the meanwhile I can have a beta version available for those that like to try it.


    Hi Robert, depending on your position towards ableton Live, I know there is both demand and potential, as well as some prior work and thoughts about implementing a Live controller ability in Octopus.
    We are talking here about a tight integration, like LED status etc, not only sending trigger signals. That has been on my list for a while, but there were other pains to be taken care of. Let me know if you want to pick it up.

    Adam Wilson

    Live is my main DAW, so… B)


    Wow, it is really cool Robert, if you can develop things on your own that can be included in the official OS. A big Go-for-it from me.

    My biggest wish regarding new features: The midi rechanneling that you mention is way up there, for sure.
    We have talked about lots of interesting esoteric stuff, but I have to mention this augmentation of Allign: Link:Super allign
    If you work with tempo multipliers and want to keep the workflow (not to mention live performance) I think it is much needed.

    Post edited by: LDT, at: 2008/06/24 17:52

    Adam Wilson

    Ah yes, I remember the Super Align discussion. I’ll look it up and will probably put it on the list.


    gseher wrote:

    Hi Robert, depending on your position towards ableton Live, I know there is both demand and potential, as well as some prior work and thoughts about implementing a Live controller ability in Octopus.
    We are talking here about a tight integration, like LED status etc, not only sending trigger signals. That has been on my list for a while, but there were other pains to be taken care of. Let me know if you want to pick it up.

    That sounds very very interesting – I don’t use Live so much in the studio, but for a stripped down live set with Live controlled by the octopus it would be very very cool B)

    Ian Duncan

    Auto-rechannel would be a great and needed addition to the OS.

    Strum edits/phrases would be very cool.

    Monome protocol support would be amazing!!

    LIVE control is not as big a deal as any of these others for me. (Yes, I do use it, among other software sequencers.)

    Thanks for the effort!

    Adam Wilson

    Thanks for the feedback so far, guys.

    The rechannel feature is high on the list, to it seems. That will be one of the first things I’ll do. I’m already feeling more at home in the sources.


    Implementation of Tenori-On Modes could be of interest. Like the Bounce Mode.


    I only played with a Tenori-on for a minute, but the bounce, isn´t that like:
    Set track to direction 3 (back and forth). Adjust lenght of track to taste. Make first step of track active.

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