virtual MIDI messages (program change) bug

OS_CE Forums Octopus Support virtual MIDI messages (program change) bug

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    I haven’t upgraded to the latest OS yet (because I have some saved songs that can’t move over yet).

    Also, I know that Virtual MIDI outputs have been temporarily disabled in the latest OS.

    So… using virtual MIDI outputs in 1.42, it seems that program change messages sent from the Octopus are not received at the virtual input…

    I am publishing another tutorial video and was going to use this function, but it just ignores the message. For now I am using a physical cable to create a MIDI loopback, but hopefully this will be resolved when virtual MIDI ports reappear!


    Post edited by: admin, at: 2009/03/14 04:39

    Post edited by: admin, at: 2009/03/14 04:45

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