Various findings

OS_CE Forums Octopus Support Various findings

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  • #749

    Still working my way through the manual, though I get stuck all the time in having fun making music, haha.
    A few remarks. Number could be regarded as a wish.

    If you work with several track chains in one page, I find it a bit annoying (and would be bad for playing live) that all chains retrigger every time the X button is pressed (which would be every time you either make or brake a chain). I cant see that there is any good points in this retrigger behaviour.

    Editor ATR state. I just can´t get it to work. Can anybody confirm that it works? (I could be pressing the wrong buttons:whistle: )

    Manual page 56:
    "To activate the MCC state, double-click on the EDIT button turning it orange." Shouldn´t that be "red"?

    This one is hard to get a grip on:
    At some point the Octopus does not output note offs. This has happened twice for me, and I have no idea what has caused it. Rebooting (saving first if nescessary) gets it back to normal.

    Post edited by: admin, at: 2008/04/14 09:42

    Post edited by: admin, at: 2008/04/14 15:22

    Post edited by: admin, at: 2008/09/17 09:27

    Post edited by: admin, at: 2009/03/14 04:43

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