throwing CC’s per step

OS_CE Forums Octopus User exchange throwing CC’s per step

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    man, i’ve tried this for hours on my black sea (1.40) and no luck. i know how to assign CC’s to the encoder knobs. but how are you guys throwing cc’s per step?
    i can drill down on each step and set the MCC to the cc i’ve assigned in kontakt, and the put the AMT on full throttle. nothin happens. it’s totally frustrating. i’ll try different steps and no go.

    i’ve to be doing something wrong here…

    any suggestions?


    To send MCC from steps you set the MIDI channel of the track, the MCC of the track and the MCC value of the step. You probably did not assign any MCC to the track yet.



    it did work by the way. thanks for your help

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