Step pitch indication?

OS_CE Forums Nemo General Step pitch indication?

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  • #1044
    Michael Roe

    New Nemo owner/user here…

    Is there any way to get the Nemo to display pitch indication while you’re editing a step similar to the way the track pitch knob displays that? Sorry if the answer is obvious. I haven’t had a whole lot of time to spend with it yet, so I’m obviously nowhere near fully grasping the interface yet.

    If not, does the Octopus have a way to do that?

    Post edited by: science, at: 2009/11/15 02:19

    Marcel Achim

    Welcome to the genoQs Machines community!

    You can display pitch indication while you are in the EDIT state of the nemo.
    (see NEMO_NG_v162_A4 page 52) To get there simply press EDIT.
    EDIT will now blink orange indicating that you are in the
    EDIT state mode. Now grab a step and tweak the pitch rotary labeled PIT.
    Now you will see in row 1 the absolute pitch indication of the step in the
    same manner as you already know it for the tracks.

    The Octopus has the EDIT state as well. You can get there with the same
    description above. The pitch will be indicated in the inner circle.
    But the Octopus has one more way for a pitch indication of the steps.
    In STEP mode the inner circle shows the absolute step pitch as well.


    Michael Roe

    Thanks Marcel! That’s exactly what I was looking for.

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