Note probability, – maybe this note will play…

OS_CE Forums Octopus User exchange Note probability, – maybe this note will play…

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  • #745

    Did some more underwater exploration today.
    I would like to share with you a way of setting up a track playing some notes, but where you can control the probability of whether these notes are going to play or not.
    There is not a dedicated function for this, but it is simple to set up using the EFFECTOR.

    You set up a feeder and a listener, your notes are in the listener. The principle is now that you select one or more notes (I suggest the first in the row)in the (empty) feeder and give them -127 in VEL.
    Now select direction 5 (random) for the feeder. Now every time the -127 note collides with a note in your listener track, that note is not going to play.
    The above setting should give a 15/16 probability that notes in your track will play. There is several ways of lowering the probability: Making more notes with -127 VEL, or making the feeder shorter by skipping steps (though not in DIR 5,- read below). Also there is different pseudo random patterns possible e.g. making feeder one step shorter and using normal direction.

    I tried setting up a 50% probability by making the feeder only two steps long, one of them at -127 VEL and direction random. This does not work because:
    Random direction does not look at whether a step is skipped or not (It plays randomly among all 16 steps). It would be nice to hear from Gabriel if there is any purpose of this behaviour. To me it seems like it might be an oversight, as all the other direction modes does not play skipped steps.

    However using direction 4 (Brownian) works perfectly well in the above example.


    This is really an elegant way to use probabilities in the current version. Meaning – really simple in concept, but why didn’t I think of that?

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