Hi all,
Just joined the forum. Proud to have just adopeded an octopus! And what a beauty it is! Apologise the my first post has such a foreboding title of doom, but I have been happily sequencing for the past couple of week and have along the way quite frequently crashed the system which requires a cold boot to revive. Unfortunately I have not been able to pin point the crash conditions allthough the amount of midi traffic is pretty low say a single 8 tracks (note/vel) and no cpu intensive mutipliers..I have had this happen about 10 times (more than my pc :huh: ).
I accept that this may be some user error prehaps I inadvertantly lock myself out, but once this event occurs the octopus will freeze in its last operating state and will not respond.
Has anybody experienced this kind of instability and any tips for diagnosis.
Many thanks,
Post edited by: pushtin_cat, at: 2008/03/28 16:32
Post edited by: admin, at: 2008/04/15 06:56
Post edited by: admin, at: 2008/09/17 09:28
Post edited by: admin, at: 2009/03/14 04:43