MIDI in bug

OS_CE Forums Nemo User exchange MIDI in bug

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  • #1047
    John Audette

    I cant’ seem to be able to create a two note chord that is exactly 1 octave apart. It only records the lowest note. Any other combination of keys works fine, but spreading two notes across an octave will not record.

    Please tell me I’m doing something wrong. :dry:

    Carlos Dalla-Fiore

    afaik its not possible to create chords with the same notes. Also not by manual input.

    Post edited by: chaosmoon, at: 2009/12/15 04:03

    John Audette

    I’m not talking about the same note – 2 notes, one octave apart. I can’t see why this shouldn’t be possible.

    Carlos Dalla-Fiore

    i mean 2 notes 1 or more octaves apart..Can’t be done afaik with the current OS. They’d need to come up with a different way to display the notes as well. flashing green/orange or red for the different octaves or something like that.

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