Maybe the only good reason to look into OSC

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    I will buy a "Tom Bihn Brain Bag" and the rest of the money will go for a couple of Nemo’s!

    The company ("Symbolic…" whatever..) had their "computer" in "Finding Nemo" (so they say) and I will for sure buy one "Nemo" – from GenoQs that is. :laugh:

    Anyway…thanks for the link!

    "If I were a rich man…lalala lalaa a a" (quote from "Fiddler on the roof")

    By the way, when do we have T-shirts (with a catchy punchline) for sale on GenoQs of our beloved instrument(s)?


    Post edited by: Sbay, at: 2009/01/13 16:14


    We should start a design competition for the t-shirt….and put it online so everybody can make one… ;)


    I’m not sure why exactly you’re mentioning osc – Kyma at this point does not respond to osc. I have a feeling that this will come sooner rather than later, but there has been no announcement. I just received my Pacarana last week – sold my old system a couple of years ago, but always intended to get one again when they updated the hardware.

    Of course, you can use the osculator program to convert osc to midi signals for the kyma, but there is no direct osc support.


    droolmaster0 wrote:

    Of course, you can use the osculator program to convert osc to midi signals for the kyma, but there is no direct osc support.

    I must have read the press release too fast… and I thought that was what the ethernet socket was for.

    btw, would you mind sharing your experience or can I ask a few questions? I’m vaguely considering getting this box.


    Well, I think that very well might be the use of the ethernet port, and there are a couple of expansion ports also, but as far as I know there have been no announcements made as to what exactly their function will be. I got some hints that this will come soon, but it can be dangerous to presume that certain functionality will exist before it’s here.

    You’re welcome to ask me questions about the kyma system, or email me at .


    Here’s a few questions…

    any particular reason you sold capybara kyma originally?

    what do you think is unique to kyma? the algorithms, the workflow, anything else?

    what’s so special about the tau oscillator? is it really unique?

    What do you detest about the Kyma Capybara system?

    how effectively can it be used live (on stage)? do you need to fiddle continuosly with laptop? How long does it take to switch sounds?

    is half a pacarana system enough? or fairly limited?

    cheers, /R

    Andrew Capon

    Hi Guys,

    The Ethernet will be used for OSC, this is currently in development.



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