Hi all! Fanatic lurker, first-time poster here. The heart topic icon is how I feel about my genoQs wunderboxen!
I’m wanting to brainstorm live ambient performance strategies with Octopus. I’m simply not a poster in web-based forums if I can help it. I’d much rather email my "what-if" thoughts and questions privately with another person who’s interested in developing the smoothest possible live-composing flow.
If any splendid tips and tricks emerge from our conversations, then we can post back here looking like we know what we’re doing. 
Just for interest’s sake: I don’t want a laptop in my setup, and plan to remain a contrarian as regards the trend, so at the moment I’m looking for the perfect small controller that has a traditional MIDI connector and build quality in the same league as Octopus–not an easy problem! Likewise I’d like to find a good way to store and carry sysex backups.
To muddle through thought processes to do with any of this, please don’t hesitate to email me at
cikira [at] cikira [dot] com