Changing pitch in attribute maps also changes velo

OS_CE Forums Octopus Support Changing pitch in attribute maps also changes velo

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    So, I turn on the Octopus and clear everything (grid + clr) and start with a plank page. I enter one step on the page. When I go into the attribute map for pitch and change the pitch, I notice that the velocity also changes from 64 (the default presumably) to 60.

    I tried messing around with different velocities and I found that whenever a step has a velocity that doesn’t end in a 0, when you adjust the pitch, the velocity gets rounded down to the nearest 10. (ie, I set the velocity to 127, I change the pitch of the step, velocity automatically changes to 120).

    Is this normal behaviour? I’m using OS 1.42.

    I noticed you’ve got a beta of OS 1.44 but I can’t find a list of the bug fixes it addresses, is this one of them? Having great fun with it so far!

    Post edited by: admin, at: 2008/09/17 10:17

    Post edited by: admin, at: 2009/03/14 04:50

    Adam Wilson

    I’m running the 1.44 OS (well, almost) and cannot reproduce the problem you describe. Could you tell us exactly what steps you took to get this behavior?

    And when grabbing the step in Page mode (EDIT mode led orange), and turning the Pitch knob, do you get the same problem?

    Post edited by: robert, at: 2008/08/02 20:47


    In work right now but I’ll double check and document this more carefully when I get home. If I remember correctly the bug only presented itself when in attribute map mode, and not in page mode when I move the pitch knob.


    So here’s how I reproduce this:

    Start with a blank page.
    In page mode, select a step anywhere on the page.
    Double click on the step’s track selector to go into track mode
    Double click on velocity to go into the velocity attribute page
    Click on the edit button to turn it yellow (preview mode I think it’s called?)
    On track zero you’ll see the position of your step.
    Hold down the corresponding step on track zero and on the right circle it will show you the velocity of the step (64 by default) and the pitch.
    While you have the step held down, press any button in the inner circle to change the step’s pitch.
    The velocity will also change (by itself!) to 60.

    Adam Wilson


    It doesn’t happen when turning the PIT knob, but when pressing keys in the note circle the velocity indeed resets to 60. Thanks for reporting, this will no doubt be fixed.

    Post edited by: robert, at: 2008/08/05 07:56

    Adam Wilson

    I have the problem fixed now in my beta OS.


    If I upgrade from 1.42 to 1.44 will I be able to import the my old pages made on 1.42 via sysex? From the manual it says you can’t transfer / import machine states between different OSs. Does one page count as a machine state or do they mean the "entire machine state"?


    Page transfers between OS versions is not supported for versions up to v1.44.

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