Re: Re:Step Events

OS_CE Forums Octopus User exchange Step Events Re: Re:Step Events


Step Events

Hi droolmaster0,
Step Events are Events in a Track which will do some action (e.g. Postion Change of all active Steps always when the Step Event will be passed by the Timeline.

Try this:
Set some Steps in a Track. Than doubleclick on one Step (non active or active) in the Track (you are now in Step Mode). Now press f. E. the POS Button in the select row
(near the MIX Encoders)and keep him pressed while you turn the AMT Encoder clockwise back or for. Now return to the page mode and watch your track. You see an orange LED. Always when to Timeline cross the orange step all active steps are moved to a new position (1 Step forward, if you have turn the AMT Encoder 1 Tick forwared,….). Try this with the lengh, GRV, Sta or Pitch. This give a lot of fantasic movements and changes. I hope this helps.B)