Visual help – a tip

OS_CE Forums Octopus User exchange Visual help – a tip

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  • #851

    I have been very happy with this discrete visual modification of my Octo:
    I bought a fine tipped paint pen (actually a ball-point pen which is not ideal, but it worked ok). Since I have the BlackSea I got a white pen, but all you boring lowlife-scumbag-losers with white Octopussies (oops, too much coffee already:silly: ) are gonna have to get a black pen.
    Now armed with your choice of weapon, you place a fine round dot just above every LED in the positions 5, 9 and 13 in rows 1 to 9.

    Now you have a slightly enhanced vertical line on 5, 9 and 13 (which you of course have recognised as the beats 2,3 and 4 in your average 4/4 foxtrot).
    This is an old trick in the book of electronic rhythm hardware, and f.x. the reason why the 808 has four red, four orange, four yellow and four white buttons. When adrenalin is flowing it just makes it easier to identify the right button, and I have to add that this is actually true even if you are not working in 4/4.

    The paint pen dots I have used, does not seem to wear off, but on the other hand I am quite sure that I can remove them using my nail if I wanted to. The white paint of the Legacy version might be more prone to absorbing black paint, – I don´t really know. But on the other hand, if you do the dots nicely, I can´t see why you would not want to keep them there.

    (Since I am not American I will skip the long paragraph of legal BS about doing mods at your own risk, haha.)

    Post edited by: LDT, at: 2008/10/09 09:30


    That does look sharp. I don’t dare do it myself, because I’ll end up with something idiotic, I’m sure.


    LDT wrote:

    Here is a pic if anyone´s interested:

    …boah – nice dots :P – really: I wouldn’t dare to do it this way, but it’s a great idea actually!

    …now I have to choose to either invite you over to my place to have you make such nice dots onto my BlackSea (just had to drop this to stay in course of the beginning of this thread B)) – or to find something to pin/glue such nice dots onto it…

    …care for some cappuccino at my place?

    Post edited by: fairplay, at: 2008/10/23 13:48

    …care for some cappuccino at my place?

    Make that a cortadoB) On the other side of the planet or…?

    Anyway, those dots are really easy to do. Took me about 2 minutes I guess. Just dont do it if you have alzheimers or you just drank 6 cups of coffee.
    If you are not satisfied you can just scrape it off with a nail.


    LDT wrote:

    Make that a cortadoB) On the other side of the planet or…?

    …actually, I was in Copenhagen (guess you’re there or nearby) on wednesday…


    …but – alas – not enough time for anything – and I didnt have the Octopus with me…

    …but, hey, cortado: no problem! – and it is a good one! Just make sure you drop by next time you visit the Oktoberfest:woohoo: …


    Ok, my dots get a lot better after a few liters of beer:lol: Or not…

    So I get that you are in the southern part of our southern neighbour country.

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