Advansys, make sure that while in track mode you see the Track Value LED lit up orange (in Row 3). If it is not orange, click on it once and Speed should light up together with some other options for actual values as opposed to factors.
Let us know if this solved it.
Cheers, Gabriel
Gabriel, that was the fix, thank you. Is there a reference manual availale, in addition to the Navigation Guide? Finding specific user info is quite difficult. Love my Nemo, though.
Hi Lars, glad you solved the Speed problem. To see the version of the OS start your machine with the ESC button pressed down. The number readout should reveal the OS version number.
Cheers, Gabriel
Lars, no I live in the USA, Texas, to be more specific. Lars is a knickname given to me from a TV show in the 70’s. Since this forum already has a Lars (you), I will change my forum name to click.