Phrase ‘serious’ mode. Interested?

OS_CE Forums Octopus User exchange Phrase ‘serious’ mode. Interested?

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  • #1075
    Robert van der Kamp

    Hi all,

    when I developed the code for the phrase feature introduced in v1.60 of the OS, not all (but most) of the features made it into the OS. I always kept my full mode (jokingly called the ‘serious’ phrase mode) available as a patch, to be applied on the lasted released official OS.

    I’m now considering to make this patch available to you guys, if interested.

    The main differences are these:

    1. Instead of 3 banks of phrases, you get a full 16 banks of 16 phrases, filled with many more presets than available in the official OS version.

    2. Direct phrase bank and phrase selection by (double) clicking the matrix keys on the GRV row in STEP mode. Since there’s now a massive 16 banks available, you need this to quickly select a phrase bank (category) and phrase.

    3. Phrase style (strum up/down/random phrase up/down/random wobble) available in STEP mode as a step attriibute. This allows you to select a preset up going phrase and turn it into a random phrase for this step only.

    4. Small UI changes.

    Regarding the phrase pool, the extra, additional 13 phrase banks are located ‘after’ the standard 3 phrase banks provided by the officiai OS, so applying the patch should not brake any existing songs that depend on the standard preset phrases.

    My plan is to eventually fill most of the 16 banks with presets, divided into categories like: delay, pitched delay, riffs, snare patterns, kick patterns, bass patterns, pitch wobbles, velo wobbles, etc. If any of you would like to make preset contributions, that would be great. Of course its fun to use a pitched phrase on drums and see what happens. ;)

    Let me know if there’s any interest for this. Could be a personal glitch that I want as many phrase presets avaiable than I can count. I use them to inspire me. Select a step, scan through the phrase pool, tweak the phrase speed, and there you go.

    – Robert


    YES! "Serious"-ly interested here! Sounds great. I agree with you about taking inspiration from the phrase banks.

    Let me know if you need any help writing up or proofing the user notes for this.


    I would also like this.


    make it so.


    Angus Byrne

    I only seem to be getting two banks of phrases! The lights turn orange for the third bank but there appears to be no effect on the steps. Am I missing something obvious?

    Robert van der Kamp

    Okay then, enough interest to get the ‘serious’ patch out of the door!

    I will fill the the preset pool with a number of new phrases that I have yet to create, before making the patch available, enough to define all the categories I had in mind.

    I will also add the needed documentation in the reference manual I’m working on. (The ref manual was the actual trigger that led me here.)


    Robert van der Kamp

    Benny Sugar wrote:

    I only seem to be getting two banks of phrases! The lights turn orange for the third bank but there appears to be no effect on the steps. Am I missing something obvious?

    I think the last (3rd) bank in the preset pool is comprised of ‘wobble’ phrases. These only subtly wobble stuff like STA and VEL attributes.

    A wobble phrase can seriously add life to you track while staying subtle. Select a ton of steps in a track while playing (e.g. a hihat pattern) and scan through the wobbles to see how the ‘feel’ changes. Like all phrases, a wobble phrase can have random play mode, to make the tweaks less predictable.


    Angus Byrne

    robert wrote:

    Benny Sugar wrote:

    I only seem to be getting two banks of phrases! The lights turn orange for the third bank but there appears to be no effect on the steps. Am I missing something obvious?

    I think the last (3rd) bank in the preset pool is comprised of ‘wobble’ phrases. These only subtly wobble stuff like STA and VEL attributes.

    A wobble phrase can seriously add life to you track while staying subtle. Select a ton of steps in a track while playing (e.g. a hihat pattern) and scan through the wobbles to see how the ‘feel’ changes. Like all phrases, a wobble phrase can have random play mode, to make the tweaks less predictable.


    Thanks Robert – I’ll away and investigate this phenomenon.



    Robert, could you please email me at aadaam [at] mac [dot] com? I see no way to PM on these boards.

    Robert van der Kamp

    Adam, is that email address correct?


    It sure isn’t! Ha ha. aadamm, not aadaam

    matt hillier

    this sounds interesting robert , i am slowly diving into this side.


    Hey Robert,

    Sounds great I like the phrases, but the official implementation is too limited. If possible could you send me the serious phrase patch to pushtin_cat[at]yahoo[dot com

    Its a great module

    many thanks!


    Dieter Herten

    YES, I´m very interested in getting this serious phrase OS patch.

    Thank you for you engagment like I do with the teaching videos.

    zahir manek

    definitely interested. how do i get ahold of the patch?


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