Idea for new mode: Midi note page trigger mode

OS_CE Forums Octopus New features Idea for new mode: Midi note page trigger mode

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  • #759

    This might be a fun and useful mode (for a future OS):

    Midi note page gate/trigger mode

    A page can be triggered by a note on a globally defined midi channel.
    You set the global channel (when in grid view) by holding ******* down and turn the midi channel knob.
    You set the note for a page (when in grid view) by holding **** down and turn the pitch knob.

    There is two gate modes:
    1: Gating only. (Page is not retriggered. Gate is opened according to timing mode)
    2: Trigger and gate. (Page is gated and retriggered according to the timing mode)

    There is three timing modes:
    1: Instant
    2: Quantized to global 16th
    3: Quantized to global bar.

    A page set to note trigger will have a different colour in the grid.

    I know that some of this is partly covered by the current ability to use midi to toggle pages, for this does not seem terribly appealing to me.
    With the above setup, you can easily setup your controller keyboard to trigger your current set of pages not unlike if they were sampleloops in a sampler. Or imagine taking a page containing a drum beat. Make copies of the page, and set them to different (faster) speeds and alter their content if needed. Then use a separate page (running slowly?) to trigger the drum pages via a virtual midi channel.
    And you can use your keyboard to improvise the combination of pages, and then record that into a track.
    It is true that you can not assign all the Octopus´ pages to one keyboard, but I dont see that as a limitation at all. But as I see it, the benefits of using midi notes instead of is huge.


    sounds goodB)

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