Hello – some noob questions

OS_CE Forums Nemo User exchange Hello – some noob questions

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    Hi, first time poster – I’ve owned a Nemo for three weeks and I’m absolutely delighted. The learning curve is very pleasant indeed.

    However, I have a few questions:

    When ‘pendulum’ direction mode is selected on a track which contains muted steps, the Nemo plays the active steps in order but apparently turns to a random direction later on – is this intentional?

    Is there a way to mute more than one step at once? I’m constantly varying track lenghts to build polyrhythms, and this would prove useful.

    Is there a way to change the default track values in the Nemo? By default I mean the pitch, velocity, etc values that every track is automatically assigned when the Nemo is turned on or when a track is cleared.

    Are there any plans to implement direction maps on the Nemo in the near future?

    Thanks and happy sequencing.


    just some thoughts to the very good points you bring up.

    Pendulum with skipped steps seems to go wrong after some time. I have technically understood the issue now and it is on the list to get fixed in a next OS update.

    Skipping more than one step should work by holding the step buttons pressed, and then pressing the MUT button.

    Default after-clear track values cannot be changed right now. The values that are assigned after a reset are the ones that you have saved previously. So a workaround may be once invest the time and save the values as you need them.
    Alternatively you can do this for a single page for example, and use a copy of that page each time you need that particular configuration.

    Direction maps are on the agenda – however it takes longer than expected because the model used in Octopus will not carry over and we are looking to simplify it anyway.

    Hope this is helpful.


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