Feature request: Random pick from chord pool

OS_CE Forums Octopus New features Feature request: Random pick from chord pool

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  • #1535
    Adam Wilson

    So you will give polyphony larger than 1 for the random-pick-from-pool feature a try, Gabriel? That would be awesome…

    Not familiar with the code, but when the random-pick feature is enabled and thus instructed to pick N notes/rests from the chord pool, a simple approach could be to first create a new local copy of a Step object on the stack, assign it the N notes randomly picked from the actual Step object, assign it the STA values from the first N note/rests, and use that local copy for the rest of the note generating

    Regarding the hard monophony feature you built into the current beta, I think that can/should go once this new approach is implemented. It would only confuse users, as both UI elements can be used to reach the same goal. Or am I mistaken?


    Problem is, it’s then either monophony from pool pick and including rests, or polyphonic pick and no rests.

    Adam Wilson

    Erm, I was still going for the 5-step on1, on2, on3, rest, off note selection approach, only with another color/blink scheme for the added rest state. In that case the new chord-size UI approach is free for polyphony, including a polyphony of 1.

    When you said that the used orange color for the base not was not an issue, I assumed that another color would be available. But I guess I misinterpreted that one?

    We have the following LED colors:

    – off
    – green-solid
    – green-blink
    – red-solid
    – red-blink
    – orange-solid
    – orange-blink

    With the orange-solid scheme reserved for the base note, we still have 6 colors left for a 5-step button. Wouldn’t this work? I guess some other colors are used already?


    Yes, you are right about the combinations. However only red-blink and green-blink are free, the rest is used. I have to be cautious not to turn this into a bigger pain than return in the end, by forcing you to remember too many color combinations..

    Anyway – I think now that I may be able to do with just the two dimensions (chord size and step polyphony). Will prototype it and let you know.

    Adam Wilson


    Here’s one more idea to possibly cleanup the interface around chord pool and the random pick from pool concept.

    What if we do not color code the note’s octave (1, 2 or 3) in the note LED, but instead show that information elsewhere (e.g. where BPM is shown) with the note button held down?

    That would result in a 3-step note sequence:

    1. On (LED green or orange for base note)
    2. Rest (LED blinking green).
    3. Off (LED off).

    With the note button grabbed, use the main encoder to set the octave value to 1, 2 or 3.

    Using your new chord-size approach, set the chord’s polyphony from 1-7, which adds rests when chord-size gets larger than note/rest-count (and these added rests show up in the circle).

    The single monophonic switch you recently introduced is removed.

    Yes, the price is that you no longer see the octave of the notes in the pitch circle. But it also leads to a cleaner interface, imo.


    Thanks once more for the input Robert.
    Have some good news in that the monophonic switch is removed, the octave display is as we’ve had it, and the functionality seems to be all there. It’s all about the polyphony selectors. Will make a beta update shortly.

    Adam Wilson

    As an addition, we could show the all of the notes pitch values in the pitch circle when one of the 7 note buttons is held down. In that case the circle shows green for ocatave 1, orange for octave 2, red for octave 3. Release that button and we get the note/rest/off info again.

    Adam Wilson

    gseher wrote:

    Thanks once more for the input Robert.
    Have some good news in that the monophonic switch is removed, the octave display is as we’ve had it, and the functionality seems to be all there. It’s all about the polyphony selectors. Will make a beta update shortly.

    DARN! I need that machine! Pronto! ;)
    My Octo will be delivered coming tuesday, so there’s your time frame, lol.

    Very excited over the fact that the polyphonic version of the random-pick is being implemented. It’s definitely some work.

    Adam Wilson

    Random ARP?

    What if I make a track of 1 step long, set that step to a polyphony of 1, and start it. Next, you realtime-record chords into this step. My guess is that this is your random ARP. :)


    hey guess what. I ended up using this feature…

    Adam Wilson

    And? Is it any fun? ;)


    It’s wonderful for lazy people like me. B)

    However, the feature I like best are the finally working triplets.

    Adam Wilson

    Okay all, I finally have the Real Thing sitting on my desktop here. :) B)

    Flashing the new OS went smooth, and first thing I tried was this new feature. LOVE IT! I also truly dig the way it is implemented in the chord circle. Couldn’t be easier.

    Great to have the option to make a step a random note or chord out of a controlled set of pitches and rests. Awesome…


    Nice to finally have you on board "for real", Robert :-)

    Adam Wilson

    Thanks, Gabriel.

    Having the hardware definitely makes a difference. ;)
    A truly amazing piece…

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