Community Collaboration?

OS_CE Forums Octopus General Community Collaboration?

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  • #1105
    Ben Rayner


    I was just on the Elektron website, and found something interesting. The Elektron Community have got together to create a digital album solely with Elektron products.

    Now, i know elektron make sound modules, but would it not be awesome for the genoQs community to unite and put together a group of recordings solely sequenced by qenoQs machines using our favorite synths? To put aside the negativity of genoQs customer service and unite as talented, like minded individuals?

    It would be awesome if some of, if not everyone on here could contribute at least one track. If any one else is up for this and has any ideas then please post a response.

    Dieter Herten

    I like your idea for a community Collaboration Project based on an Octopus Setup.

    I will produce a track for this, but where and how should I upload this track (mp3)?



    Post edited by: Dayflight-Trok, at: 2010/09/27 16:26

    Octopus, Virus TI, Spectralis, Microwave I Kore, Mac Book Pro with Logic & Live; Reaktor, Arturia,…

    All controlled by the Octopus.

    Post edited by: Dayflight-Trok, at: 2010/09/27 16:30

    Chris Henkel

    …somehow i had overlooked this thread…

    …as i have participated in a couple of compilations yet, it usually is organised by one individual, who sets the conditions, a time-frame and either offers a Dropbox – like the one on – or asks for notification via email where to download the track (so the contributor has to provide some web- or ftp-space to upload)…

    …anyone out there willing to head the Octopus-Compilation?…

    Ben Rayner

    Thanks for replying.

    It seems a shame that this thread has over 200 views and only 2 people were interested enough to respond.

    Unless there are more interested people, there’s not a lot of point in putting something together

    Chris Henkel

    summa_riot wrote:

    It seems a shame that this thread has over 200 views and only 2 people were interested enough to respond.

    …the slow response might be connected to the fact that the Octopus in itself does not produce any sound…so one would have to look for another feature, that would use Octopus capabilities that could set this compilation apart from some other random musical compilations…

    …another fact might be that the idea is still a little vague – so, a next step might be to draw up a set of compilation-rules & -timelines…obviously there would be a few people interested in such an enterprise, and for a compilation you’d initially only need 7-9…depending on how big this should become there could be more contributors included…

    …dont give up yet…B)

    Post edited by: fairplay, at: 2010/10/11 17:28

    Carlos Dalla-Fiore

    you can have this one if you want:


    testing…(please ignore)

    Carlos Dalla-Fiore


    Dieter Herten

    if there enough people who like to produce a song with the Octopus as the central sequencer (not Live or Logic,…) It this possible to open a web-disk space f.e. on for file up-/download.

    Some rules could be:

    * Octopus/Nemo is the central sequencer in the setup
    * Track lenght max 5 min.
    * music style …this schould be free
    * only one track per Octopus Owner

    If we get a lot of tracks we can vote the 8 best one to be published on my-space or similar.

    What do you think?

    Post edited by: Dayflight-Trok, at: 2010/10/25 13:48

    Chris Henkel

    Dayflight-Trok wrote:

    What do you think?

    …i think you just volunteered :whistle: …

    …i am in – but i also recommend setting a deadline at least…

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