Anyone developing Octo OS on an Intel Mac?

OS_CE Forums Octopus User exchange Anyone developing Octo OS on an Intel Mac?

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  • #799
    Adam Wilson

    Hi all, I’m trying the build the (beloved) GNU tools on my Intel Mac Pro and cross tools for the arm-elf target. Since there only binaries for Windoze and Linux, I’m building a new set of tools straight from the sources, following the eCos guidelines.

    The problem is this: eCos wants me to use the gcc v3.2.1 compiler sources, but that version does not support my my host platform.

    I could try the latest gcc version, but will that work with the eCos code? Why do they want v3.2.1 in the first place?



    You don’t have a VM app? My dev guide was built using a linux VM running on Intel Mac.

    This way you don’t contaminate your host OS :-)

    I hope you get it working!


    Adam Wilson

    Thanks for the tip Ripe. A VM running linux is a good idea. If no one managed to run the tools natively on the Mac I guess that’s the way to go.


    Hi Robert, check out
    Under "Binaries" you can find a GCC 3.3 version for OS X.
    Let us know how it goes.

    Adam Wilson

    Nice! B) I’ll try those this weekend. Really looking forward to tweaking the OS.

    Adam Wilson

    Okay guys, I have it working. I managed to compile the v1.42 octopus.elf file with the exact same file size as the official one. :)

    I’m using the binary GNU toolkit provided by Gabriel, and the Octopus version of the eCos libs and include files.

    The original eCos v2 distro is not used as far as I see. If that’s correct, there’s no need to bother with the eCos install script, unless you need the GNU toolset of course.

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