Re: Re:Tap tempo

OS_CE Forums Octopus New features Tap tempo Re: Re:Tap tempo

Adam Wilson

zinoff wrote:

That’d be 123 on 16 channels whenever I tap… but if the machine is stopped can’t we make the assumption that whatever it’s connected to it shouldn’t be playing notes? :whistle:

Lol, nice. :) But I was thinking of the release trail of things. Stuff that is just triggered (like long samples), and that may be cut off when the all-notes-off message is received. My guess is that we’ll be sorry if we allow that to happen.

I know that’s a stretch… We need to define the modifier paradigm… dont’ we? So pressing play together with something else will invoke the tap tempo? Or keep stop or play pressed and tap somewhere else…

All of those are rather ‘risky’ key combos, imo. I’d prefer a button that doesn’t say play, stop or record. ;)

Man I can’t wait, tap the tempo, and when you’re off a bit just hit ALN, retap etc… Good thing I didn’t ask for the .10 BPM nudge, a-la-machine drum….

Oh, just press and hold ZOM and use the main rotary to fine tune the current BPM in Page mode.
