Re: Re:Handling 14bit midi on the Octopus

OS_CE Forums Octopus User exchange Handling 14bit midi on the Octopus Re: Re:Handling 14bit midi on the Octopus


Thanks Gabriel,

Absolutely, it is intuative to be able to record multple tracks simultaniously. If I may suggest one possible scenerio that will multiply the amount of data across the board:evil: The idea would be to have 10 cc subtracks pertaining to a single track.
This would work by using the familar Octopus matrix track selector method. When zoomed into a tracks cc map mode the 10 track selector buttons would be the functional means to access the given cc subtracks.

The 10 subtracks info LED

green LED : Indicates the cc subtrack is bound and contains an data
orange LED: Is bound but no data
red LED : no cc binding

When viewing/editing a selected cc subtrack the parameter values are graphed and edited in the standard way. cc # id is indicated in the outer circle (same way as tempo readings)

Recording and cc Binding
When recording in standard track mode autosensing would check the 10 cc subtracks against each incomming cc if cc# id is already bound it will overwrite the bound subtracks data otherwise create and new binding and write to the next (if)availible cc subtrack.

When zoomed into cc map mode incomming cc data is shown by the cc subtrack(s) selector LED flashing green.

The CLR (once) would clear the selected cc subtracks data CLR(twice) clear cc# binding.

When in cc map mode the mixer pots are live and helpfuly mapped to the bound cc subtrack that they are associated.

Well thats the idea, I`d be interested to know what you think. It requires more storage, but for me its seem more efficent and intuative to package the cc data within the track.



By the way what really makes the Octopus great is the fact that its is a growing project with a great community and excellent support.

Post edited by: pushtin_cat, at: 2008/04/14 13:20