Re: Re:Edit modes and complexity

OS_CE Forums Octopus Support Edit modes and complexity Re: Re:Edit modes and complexity

Gabriel Seher

Thanks all for the excellent discussion. It seems that the distilled solution to the complexity problem of the three modes is the following:

– The EDIT PERFORM state (Berlin) takes the place of EDIT state, and we go back to having the EDIT button switch between two states.
– The old EDIT state will be reached by holding some other button while pressing EDIT (or possibly another route).
– The state of the EDIT button will get global and hence will "carry" across pages
– the [STEP] button in the mode block should be available to quickly jump into that step (nice consistency with the overall model)
– Add the ability to zoom into step/track mode via double-click from the ‘Berlin’ state
It’s all on the worklist now.

EDIT: added input from a discussion on the Nemo forum
– There is a suggestion that the behaviour of the step buttons may be changed in the sense that pressing a button in Page mode (standard toggle behaviour) will not have an effect until one releases the button. Like that we could combine the normal Page mode with Berlin mode into one level of operation. The drawback is of course that toggling steps in the matrix will feel differently. Any thoughts on this anyone?


Post edited by: gseher, at: 2009/09/14 06:40